2012 - Design process!
This is a bit shabby but I made it in 2h as a demo. Besides, this thing is supposed to be cannon fodder...Ah yes! I'll have stuff to blow up for the next animation! ... I mean, in another year's time, cause that's when I'd have time T_T
These bots can collapse into canisters and be carried en-mass by a larger robot or aircraft.
It's supposed to be part of the Future set of designs, although the color is a bit off, didn't have no time to adjust.

Caught up with a week's worth of BBC Hardtalk Podcast while making this. It's well worth it, President of Uganda was among the interviewees. That's the country that's having some military problems and human rights issues persecuting homosexuals. Funny listening to the guy getting grilled and trying to defend his position.

Late 2010

Early 2010